The Global Regenerative Tourism Initiative
The Emerging Encounter
¿What is the Global Regenerative Tourism Initiative?
It is a collaborative global space, where professional, locals, entrepreneurs & change makers co-create a new understanding of the old concept of the so called Sustainable Tourism.
Its the best place, to find the future trough the new and more innovative trends, methodologies, methods. We offer new capacity buildings spaces with the leading understandings of Wholeness Thinking, Eco-social Tools for Designing Systemic Change and Organizational Regeneration, applied to the field of the “Deep Encounter” (tourism).
It’s a dynamic platform, to learn, share and research and apply better options to understand the dynamics of encounter, sense of place, flow desig, regeneration, and to improve strategic actions related to the relationship within human, natural economical, spiritual and cosmic ecology.
Everyone its invited, be part of this InitiaActive
Our Purpose
We exist to transform the flows of the current old understanding of the tourism phenomenon, into deep Encounter of Quantic Change, design to rise a regenerative applied consciousness within the 3 relationships of Regenerative Tourism ( the relationships with myself, the others and the earth). Developing the Holistic Ecology.
Applied Creativity
Join: “The Pichilemu Regenerative Tourism Design Challenge”
January 2018
“The End of Tourism, as we know it.”
– Copenhagen
Active Learning – Global Programs, Worshops & Courses
TR Core Programs
Diseño Aplicado de TR
Next Opening Feb 2018,
Pucón – Chile
Facilitated by: Camina & TR
Natural Ecology
Delicate Activism
Next Opening Abr 2018,
Pucón & Patagonia, Chile
Facilitated by: Proteus Initiative
Organizational Leadership
Liderazgo Orgánico
Next Opening Nov 2017,
Valdivia, Chile
Facilitate by: FLOC & Camina
for info, news, and mutual engagement 😉
Our Consultancy Experience
… cooming soon
Colaborative RESOURCE Center
- Upload papers, links or any material related with one of the 4 knowledge spheres, 3 relationships
- Explore used material to research, study and develop the understanding
- Help us map inspiring projects, people and ideas around the world
- Write your own thoughts about it
Get Involved
be a TR Initiative Reporter
Experience and Map your Regeneartive Tourism Discoveries
or a TR Initiative Researcher
Deliver a paper or your own field research of what can/have been done in this emerging colaborative understanding
or a TR Initiative Facilitator
take and offer the free trainnigs that we design and travel or settle with your own TR Craft Lab
or a TR Initiative Global Consultant
Reserch, imeplement, facilitaed and make this passion your work
we hope you make part of the Core Ring
Join the spiral of pushing forward Regenerative Tourism Beyond
Our Presensing Network
Transformative Agenda
2017 – 2018
Upcoming events 2017 – 2018
+ Costa Rica TR initiative launch – Jun 17
+ Nicaragua TR initiative launch – Sep 17
+ Chile TR initiative launch – Nov 17
Upcoming Programs, Courses & Workshops
+ Liderazgo Orgánico, Program – Nov 18
+ The Pichilemu Regenerative Tourism Design, Challenge – Jan 18
+ Diseño Aplicado Turismo Regenerativo, Workshop – Feb 18
+ Delicate Activism, Course – Apr 18